Application Overview: Fuel CellHORIBA offers a wide range of analysis and measurement solutions for fuel cells from nano-level analysis of fuel cell materials to performance evaluation of cells and stacks.
Application Overview: CCUSHORIBA's measurement solutions from research and development to process management contribute to CCUS (CO2 Capture, Utilization, and Storage), which is useful for reducing CO2 emissions.
Application Overview: Alternative Fuel CombustionIntroducing a full lineup of HORIBA gas analyzers that contribute to the combustion efficiency of ammonia and hydrogen, which are expected to be alternative fuels that help achieving carbon neutrality.
Contribution to Clean Energy TechnologyIntroducing continuous monitoring of impurities in the purification processes of hydrogen and methane with HORIBA gas analyzers. Hydrogen is expected to be a clean energy source, while methane is valuable for hydrogen production.
Contribution to Biomass Power GenerationIntroducing the gas measurement solutions with HORIBA gas analyzers in biomass power generation which is called "carbon neutral" as the amount of carbon dioxide emitted and absorbed are the same.
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)HORIBA gas and liquid measurement instruments and systems contribute to process monitoring and optimization in - Chemical absorption of CO2 by aqueous amine solutions.