HORIBA SynerJY™ Software

HORIBA Scientific SynerJY™ software is a fully integrated data acquisition and data analysis software for spectroscopic systems. The software provides intuitive control of spectrometers, detectors (offering simultaneous detector control), and accessories. The user-friendly interface allows for quick access to powerful data processing and presentation tools. View data as 3-D plots, contour maps, or CCD images. Perform advanced mathematical functions, create custom views, and prepare and export data for reports in a variety of formats.
LabSpec 6 Spectroscopy Software

The LabSpec6 spectral software suite used on all the HORIBA Jobin Yvon analytical and research Raman spectrometer systems is now also available for modular Raman systems. It has been designed and written as a dedicated Raman spectroscopy package and offers many powerful capabilities not found in a basic spectroscopy software.

LabVIEW is a widely used graphical programming software platform developed by National Instruments and compatible with many third party components. Our LabVIEW drivers allow customers who are proficient in LabVIEW programming to build a custom solution with our HORIBA components.
LabVIEW Introduction and Tutorial Video (9:14)

SynerJY Software Development Kit (SDK)

For customers with extensive proficiency in writing software code, particularly for industrial clients wishing to incorporate our components into their commercial solutions, we offer a software development kit. Contact HORIBA Scientific for more information.