New legislation, especially within Europe, is creating enormous pressure: particularly for the light duty vehicle manufacturers with the introduction of the new Worldwide harmonized Light duty vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP) and also the inclusion of an on-road Real Driving Emissions (RDE) test into Type Approval. This has created a massive workload for their R&D operations and process and also their limited test facility capacity.
Accordingly, HORIBA continues to invest into new and improved testing systems and instrumentation. Thus improving test cell efficiency and reducing test cell downtime to increase the effective capacity.
In addition to the OBS-ONE Portable Emissions Measurement System which continues to be developed for wider applications, we are also proud to introduce the new laboratory management system STARS ENTERPRISE.
We at HORIBA look forward to meeting many of you in our forthcoming events in the near future, such as the Heavy-Duty Testing and Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) TECHDays or our usual frequent customer technical meetings, where you will have the opportunity to hear directly about our developments and query our experts on any technical or application issues or requests you may have.
Les Hill, Manager of HORIBA Global Product Planning Group