Fast analysis of microscopic metal particles is an important application for engineering (e.g. engine wear analysis). Micro-XRF scanning and spot analysis of specific fragments identifies their chemical composition.
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X-ray Analytical Microscope
with a Super Large Chamber
X-ray Analytical Microscope (Micro-XRF)
X-ray Fluorescence Sulfur-in-Oil Analyzers
X-ray Fluorescence Sulfur-in-Oil Analyzer
X-ray Fluorescence Sulfur/Chlorine-in-oil Analyzer
Measurement of Sulfur and Chlorine in Petroleum Products
X-ray Analytical Microscope
X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer
X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer
Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Analyzer
X-ray Fluorescence Sulfur-in-Oil Analyzer
X-ray Fluorescence Sulfur-in-Oil Analyzer