Automotive Engineering Exposition 2024 NAGOYA

- | Aichi Sky Expo, Nagoya, JAPAN
|   Exhibition

Organized by the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. (JSAE)


Beginning: 07/17/24

End: 07/19/24

Location: Aichi Sky Expo, Nagoya, JAPAN

Visit us at booth 145 to discuss the latest offerings in vehicle development testing. From devices, such as the OBS-ONE-XL with the latest infrared gas analysis technology, to our STARS software for test automation, data Management and process automation, and facility and asset management. 

Friday, July 19 join us on for our exhibitor seminars on the topics of:

13:20~13:50: The role of the STARS automation system in helping to realize a multi-pathway strategy for more information on this seminar click here.

14:05~14:35  Next-generation mobile emissions measurement system using IRLAM™ measurement technologies for more information on this seminar click here

Event Registration